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The campus which is a think-tank designed for Strasbourg within the interaction between people, the Net campus and the cultural aspects of the city
Architectural Design Approach

Strasbourg, near European Quarter

Strasbourg, which has great cultural diversity due to its location, is the official seat of the European Parliament. In this context, Strasbourg has been the focal point of architectural design.
The canal, which is located across the site and passing through the city including the European quarter is a significant element for the project. In accordance with the mobility of Strasbourg, spaces and structures have been created to keep the relationship with the city dynamic.
Net Strasbourg is designed to form a network where people create ideas for the needs of Strasbourg and the worldwide. These needs can be described as between global and local scale. Citizens meet experts, NGOs, professional chambers, digital media companies, around the world to discuss and exchange ideas and knowledge on current urban issues and projects. This think-tank campus has spaces where people work together, share, and exhibit their ideas to the whole of Europe. Digitalization has a great role in this story. The building works as a digital net. Research and improvements could be done via the Net Strasbourg.
Design Problem
| The access of people to the historical, scientific and social platforms are limited in that region. It is obtained that there is a missing unified network which should be accessible for various types of users from local to global scale.
| The idea of creating an interactive media would be considered as filling the gap between the ecosystem in Strasbourg and the public.
| NetStrasbourg project lets users have versatile interaction with the campus which will affect people who would link with the think-tank community by providing users access to the experiences in the campus.
| Based on the design problem, a think-tank campus is suggested within the architectural context. Architectural design approach led me to dig deep into identifying appropriate media applications for improving the interaction between think-tank campus and people.
| Expand visual communication across print and screen based media to communicate to multiple audiences.
| Design a think-tank that creates more access to campus space, brings 'collaborative working understanding' to people and provides a space where people feel independent to express themselves while building a community.
| Develop leisure activities in the campus to create social networks and to help people's physical and mental well being.

| Although there are various urban values on the site, the connection between these values and the city is not strong enough.

Environmental Graphics
Campus Map
Jogging Path
Cycling Path
Rhine River

Study Area
Shared Bicycles

Cycling Path

Jogging Path
Brand Color Combinations
Campus Signage
Guiding signage, Map marker and Interactive signage

guiding signage

interactive signage

map marker

Interactive Signage
3D visualization of my architectural project
Sitemap - Kiosk

Kiosk Screens

mobile screens

Multi-platform Experience

Mockups - Kiosk
- Mobile App -

Mockups - Mobile
Brand Elements

Interaction Design Approach
Net Strasbourg project aims to create an interactive environment. The data are documented in the cloud and it is presented to users on this digital platform.
This goal is pursued with the scientific research and studies in the think-tank campus. The work environment for academics has 'smart screens' which can be used as informative signage, dashboard showing daily flow, exhibition platform, public conference screen and individual workspace for academics.
AR Experience

Storytelling: Stories and abstract representations are described with AR. The elements of the objects or arts in the Exhibition Hall tell stories about historical background and the artist to users who are in self-directed experience.
Detailed Information: Users are able to access detailed information about the elements in terms of historical periods, representation of art, specific events. They have audio-visual options to get information.
VR Experience
| As an architectural design solution, the region which is found as a terrain vague was opened to the public by its relation with the context.
| Net Strasbourg reunites that region with the city and increases its interaction with users.
| It provides various sportive, cultural and academic activities to a wide range of user types.
| The design solution creates access to green space and improves the interaction with campus via digital products. Also, pay attention to the scientific research in the Net think-tank.
| Brand elements create a sense of belonging in people and enhance the reputation of the Net Strasbourg.
I developed digital platforms including the kiosk and mobile app for my architecture graduation project at METU. This project is multi-disciplinary as it has interaction design, architectural design, brand design, user experience and interface design, AR and VR. Net Strasbourg offers users the opportunity to experience the campus and its contents in a variety of platforms and contexts. I am pleased to shape my architectural project together with various design disciplines. It was a good step up for me to design digital interactions for my undergraduate study.
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